
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

tersurat tersirat

jarak antara kami adik beradik hanya 6 hari..

kebetulan yang bermakna agak nya..

sesungguhnya perancangan Allah itu sempurna..

terpulang kepada kita, untuk mencari dan memahami apa maksud dan hikmah di sebalik segala yang berlaku..

samada yang baik, yang sedih, yang tidak baik

andai kita mampu redha, menerima segala yang terjadi dengan bersangka baik kepada Nya, insyallah kita akan tenang, dan mampu mencari segala kebaikan dan hikmah atas segala yang berlaku.

kalau tak silap. Dia adalah seperti sangkaan kita.

alhamdulillah. esok akan bermula sesi berurut dengan Kak nurul. patutnya start 3hb October ni. dan mungkin ini hikmah nya. :)

jadi, mari kita selalu bersangka baik, dan berfikiran positif ya.!


Monday, September 28, 2015

My 3rd delivery story


hari ni dah masuk hari ke 8 setelah akhirnya baby Hanaa Humairaa' decided to see the world. lots has been going on. phew. yang pasti, memang lain lain pengalaman mengandung dan bersalin. each and every pregnancy memang ada cerita nya yang tersendiri.

alhamdulillah. on 20th of September 2015, i have safely delivered my baby girl. alhamdulillah for everything. pushing was quick, but but, the pain is most unbearable, n thankfully all happened quite quick. cannot imagine if the pain went on like 12-24 hours straight, like fayyadh dlu. huhu bleh pengsan. seriously, sakit kali ni memang lain macam and super duper sakit. especially after 6 cm dilated. phew. i cannot do anything anymore. mengerengkot kesakitan ajer lah.

actually, the contraction has started early in the morning of that 20th September, but i ignore aje, sebab takut false alarm.. plus the pain was quite mild.. and of course, bearable. but then it went on until that evening. consistently. hm. so after kena paksa dengan hubby, we went to PCMC for further confirmation. and yes, memang dah bukak 2 cm. i was like.. hm.. ok.. nasib baik dengar cakap suami. kwa kwa

since dah buka 2 cm, kena warded la jawab nya.

they did the monitoring.. and yes, memang betul contraction was getting stronger.

then, they gave me dinner. and ubat berak.

after i performed my Magrib and isya', they started the drip. and yes. makin kuat contraction. after they confirmed yang bukaan dah 6 cm. the pain is getting more intense and strong. for the 1st time, i cried. and suddenly ada bunyi "klik!" after one more contraction, air ketuban pecah dengan sendiri nya.. huaa. cuak ok.. sebab before ni, doctor yang pecahkan.. 1st time rasa. panas je.. and i was suffering like apa dah until 10 cm..

then when i feel the urge to push.. it went only 3 or 4 times only. then hanaa and me was together, skin to skin.. the feeling.. was amazing.. she's the heaviest.. 3.01 kg.. duduk dalam perut mama paling lama.. week 39 baru keluar.. sakit contraction yang paling dasyat.. tapi amazingly Allah permudahkan dengan percepatkan process pushing tu.. alhamdulillah sangat. and syukur juga sebab hanaa takde kena jaundice pun. sunat pun buat terus. minum susu pun ok. cuma awal2 ni, dia latch tak betul, so mama kena bengkak susu + nipple crack.. T-T

and hari ke 6, i kena demam and bentan. seksa nya hanya Allah yang tahu.

betul la orang kata, lain anak, lain pengalaman nya. apa apa pun, i am really thankful sebab Allah betul-betul makbulkan doa. jadi mama-mama semua, sila berdoa dan berharap dengan sepenuh hati pada allah ya. minta dengan jelas apa yang kita mahu. :)

in my case, everytime lepas solat, memang akan doa benda2 di bawah ni;
  • permudahkan proses bersalin
  • dapat beranak dengan normal
  • lindungi anak 
  • beri rezeki susu badan yang melimpah ruah pada anak dalam kandungan
and alhamdulillah dengan izin Nya, semua Dia kurniakan.

okay lah. thats all for now.  moga tempoh berpantang ni berakhir dengan cepat dan aman. ameen. mwahaha. bukan apa terliur plak tgk makanan-makanan yang obviously orang tengah berpantang takleh makan. heee

Saturday, September 19, 2015

anger management

i think i have to attend an anger management class lah. tak tahu kenapa cepat sangat marah, cepat sangat rasa annoyed.

is it because of my pregnancy hormones?

or is it memang aku yang bermasalah. hm...



dunno what to say already.. ngaaa

i really think i need help. full stop.

what took you so long my baby H?

ngaa. i am or already approaching my 39th weeks of pregnancy now.. and i am no where close to be in the labor phase -.- hm.. kenapa ek.. kenapa ye...

ada orang kata sebab maybe its a girl.. baby girl suka memeram lama dalam perut mama dia.. well. kalau betul sebab this time its a baby girl, mama is super fine. ngahahaa

ada jgk teori mengatakan its because this time i am spending my last months of pregnancy at home, and not at the office, with the stairs to climb up and down, and of course, the stress... which indirectly can induce the labor..

yesterday, when i went to see my gynae, she gave me these tips, to expedite and induce the labor naturally, which she said i would really love and preferred.. hehe

1. do a lot of sex. -.-

2. take Evening Primrose Oil orally and put it in our vagina. okay, orally is fine, but to put the pills inside tuuut? so not me i guess.. then i asked, what about Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)? owh then she said that would work too..

3. drink Raspberry Leaf tea. hm sudah. mana plak nak cari ni kan. so google-google, cuba this website yang jual this kind of tea ;!product/prd1/2308222351/organic-raspberry-leaf-tea

katanya boleh bantu tubuh bersedia utk labor and bleh bantu penyusuan susu ibu. yeay. point last tu suka.

4. and last, cinnamon. okay. leh beli byk2 cinnamon sticks from Auntie Anne's ngee

anybody ada tips lagi best and senang, please do share ya. bye..

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

pregnancy effects on me

alhamdulillah, Allah beri peluang untuk aku mengandung lagi kali ni. dan setiap kali pregnant, berbeza aje pengalamannya. kali ni, ada la a few major things that happened to me that did not happened previously.

1. Bleeding gums T.T

It all started when i had this bad fever and ulcers in my mouth during last Ramadhan. tiba-tiba jadi sangat sensetif mulut ni. berus gigi sikit, hasil kumur sure bewarna merah. nguu takut. hasil google mengatakan its normal sebab ms pregnant ni ada perubahan hormon, and increase of blood flows which is some redirected to gums, but still horror ok. now to help reduce this problem, i am using paradontax tooth paste. ok la kot so far. but still bleed la sikit-sikit during brushing session. hope it wont last forever.

2. Sakit belakang yang kronik

Well, i know its normal for pregnant woman to feel this. But its a first time for me i think. this time, the backache is so bad. especially in my third trimester. is it because i aged already? or is it because of the stress and multitasking thingy as a working mom and wife? or sebab i did not eat my calcium, ostematrix shaklee dgn istiqamah? apa-apa pun, i hope, that this too is a temporary thing.

3. Berat badan tak naik mendadak

Rasa nya, hampir semua komen yg aku x gemuk langsung, perut je yang naik. and yes, i have to admit, my weight gain is not that massive. masuk 37th week ni, br 67+ kg. compared to previous one, almost 80 ok. hm. maybe sebab this time aku amalkan set prenatal shaklee kot. hehe. stretch marks pun mcm xde. alhamdulillah.

4. Hidung kembang

Well. ni nothing new i guess. every time pregnant, sure kembang punya.... sabar je la. sebab masa ni la. husband and org sekeliling akan kutuk kaw kaw punya. and tiba-tiba malam ni aku duk terpkir apalah scientific explanation di sebalik hidung kembang ni. hasil google telah menunjukkan ia disebabkan oleh peningkatan hormon estrogen yang menyebabkan lapisan mucus menebal dan excess fluid retention. tp compared to my prev pregnancies, this time is not that chronic. hehe. ye ke? and tak kesah la. tgk lisa surihani, kembang hidung jugak ok. i guess, all beautiful pregnant mommies mmg akan experience this hidung kembang thing. mwahaha. -ayat penyedap hati-

hm apa lagi ye. haa...

5. pukul 9 ke atas dah lembik dan ngantuk

level of energy mmg sangat low. lepas isya sure kiok dah. tidur super awal. dan bgn super awal jgk. nasib ada husband yang memahami. tolong jagakan my two lil heroes. thank you sayang.

okay. tu je la kot. ada lagi teringat. akan ku tambah disini.

till then, c ya...

The waiting game is on


its been two days im in USJ, subang. currently waiting "patiently" for my baby H to be delivered. yes. i am now heavily pregnant with my third child, currently in my 37th week. insyallah, plan to be delivered in PCMC. hopefully baby H keluar on weekends and not on weekdays. kesian papa dia nanti. and hopefully not during peak hours. seriau tgk video minah salleh yang terberanak dalam kereta aritu tak hilang lagi.

the boys pun, so far alhamdulillah happy je di sini. maybe sebab ada jo layan. hehe. 

in summary, my pregnancy this time was ok. my weight gain is not that massive as my previous pregnancies. alahan pun takde alhamdulillah. cuma di uji masa bulan ramadhan aritu. 10 days before raya, tiba-tiba demam. n ulser tiba-tiba memenuhi mulut. seksa nya hanya allah yang tahu. makan hanya nasi bubur okay. n i was hospitalized for 2 days. and of course impian nak puasa penuh tahun ni tak tercapai. tapi takpe. ada lah tu hikmah yang tersembunyi kan.

and what's interesting, my baby sister, asma pun pregnant juga. kami hanya beza seminggu edd. sape sangka kan? comel je.

hopefully, both of us will safely delivered our babies soon. yang best jgk, sebab jantina baby kami pun lain-lain. siapa dapat baby girl siapa dapat baby boy? hm.. biar lah rahsia dulu ya buat masa ni.

hm. that's all for now.

pray for me and also for my lil sister. take care. and happy independent day Malaysia~!