
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

kalau lah..

kalau lah anda mengeluarkan pendapat atau soalan.

dan orang itu akan memandang anda dengan penuh sinis dan pelik.

apa yang anda akan rasa?

kalau lah anda mengeluarkan soalan yang terbuku di hati mengenai sesuatu topik itu.

orang itu akan bertanya kembali kepada anda. dan sekaligus membuat anda rasa bodoh. dan terdetik dalam hati "kalau aku tahu, aku tak tanya lah~!"

kalau dan kalau.


how can u still be motivated when there is people like this around u?

and how can u still be positive?

well syaima', please stop blaming people.

maybe its u yang problematic. hehe.

so be strong. n keep on improving.

maybe this is a way that Allah s.w.t want to show or shape u to be a better and stronger person.

n maybe now, u are suffering. who knows later u'll be happy. kan?


-diri sendiri bagi dorongan. ngeh2-


Sarsir said...

for me, you just need to push that person until that person give a relevant answers to the question you ask, you just need to ignore the faces and the tones. Be patient. The most important things is to learn. :)

Pn Syaima' said...

well. u penah kenal and berlawan mulut dengan manusia yang bersifat "shark" or diktator tak? if yes. then u should know, it is not that easy buddy. hehe

tp apa2 pun. thanks. :)